Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Say goodbye to single-use, with The Reloader Reusable Film Camera 💝
Compatible with any 35mm film!
Kodak Ultramax 400 film 24 exposures (canister only)
$29.95 AUD
Details +
Fancy a refill? Kodak Ultramax 400 is a general-purpose colour film, perfect for using with your Reloader Camera. Each roll contains 24 exposures (photos) and is great for shooting in all conditions.
24 exposures
ISO 400 Colour Film
Made in the USA
Please note that the box is not included with this product - you will only receive the film canister